Events | 25 July, 2019

“Robots would steal our work soon, and the future is after an engineering collaboration” - what we were talking about at D3D conference this year?

On July 7, Demystifying 3D Development was held in Dnipro. This is the conference for developers of engineering software and people, who are interested in programming. It was the fifth D3D held by AMC Bridge. The speakers are employees of the company and specialists in Software Engineering.

D3D 1

The topics of presentations this year were linked to the Engineering Collaboration Importance, Robot Simulation, The Entity Component System, The CUDA programming model, and the importance of appropriate real numbers comparison.

D3D 2

The conference was opened by Alexey Kilyakov, Director of Collaboration Platforms Department with 22 years of experience in software development. In his speech, he talked about the importance of collaborations. The main advantage of such group work enables finding non-standard architectural solutions and diversify of technologies.

"The average car consists of 30,000 details; the plane has 300,000 parts. Even your phone is made of about 1,000 details. That`s impossible to create such a large system without engineering collaborations!", summarized Alexey.

D3D 3

Anton Hudym, Senior Software Engineer, who spent five years of his life in game development, spoke about the advantages of working with Nvidia CUDA.

“If you can afford only Nvidia graphics cards, CUDA is the best choice”.

Anton said that Nvidia CUDA is used mostly in machine learning and neural networks, physics simulation and collisions between objects, as well as in image processing.

D3D 4

Veronika Demedetska, Tech Expert & Senior Software Engineer, talked about robot programming from scratch.

Will robots be able to take away our work? Veronika agreed.

"Driverless trains and buses are being embraced around the world. Therefore, drivers have to worry about their jobs. But all of us can lose the job because of the simplest AI and robots that learn very fast and independently”, said Veronika.

D3D 5

Oleg Kovalenko, Senior Software Engineer, examined the nature of possible issues, the importance of appropriate real numbers comparison, and the ways to compare objects robustly based on real-life examples.

The engineer predicts that in the next ten years, mathematics and geometry will be especially crucial in robotics, the development of uncrewed vehicles and aircraft, as well as in Data Science / Data analysis.

D3D 6

The conference ended with Alexey Zarubin`s workshop and Q&A session with the founders of AMC Bridge.

At the workshop, Alexey has talked about the advantages of ECS: performance and multithreading by default, ease of adding new functions and reading code. In the practical part, he has written the game with the Entity Component System.

D3D 7

About 200 people gathered to spend their day in IT-atmosphere. Moreover, AMC Bridge employees from all offices and other guests listened to the presentations online. Developers from Khmelnytskyi, Sumy, Chernivtsi, and Lviv joined the live-stream.

About AMC Bridge

AMC Bridge is a vendor of choice for software development services in the areas of computer-aided design, engineering, manufacturing, and construction. Since 1999, we have been delivering solutions for CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM, BIM and PLM applications. For over 15 years, we have participated in the development of commercial software products and custom solutions for the engineering markets based on a variety of platforms, from desktop and web to mobile and cloud.

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