News | 10 April, 2017

AMC Bridge Sponsored All-Ukrainian Students Academic Competition in Information Technology

AMC Bridge has supported the II round of All-Ukrainian Students Academic Competition in Information Technology which was held in Khmelnitsky National University. A summarizing research conference, based on the competition results, was held on April 8 at Computer Sciences and IT department.

The competition winners presented their papers which had been selected among over 100 papers submitted by students of various Ukrainian universities.
AMC Bridge is an official partner of Khmelnitsky National University. Company members traditionally have been participating in this event, delivering a presentation, communicating with students and rewarding the winners.

About AMC Bridge
AMC Bridge has been delivering innovative solutions for CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM and PLM applications for over 15 years, cooperating with the world leaders like Microsoft, Siemens and Autodesk. Company headquarters are located in the USA, and four development centers are operating in Dnipro, Khmelnitsky, Sumy and Chernivtsi.

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