News | 06 April, 2016

AMC Bridge Has Supported BrainBasket Foundation Initiative

BrainBasket Foundation has launched the Technology Nation project, an all-Ukrainian free course on computer programming delivered by such universities as Harvard, MIT and Stanford. This spring the training program started in 22 Ukrainian cities. AMC Bridge supported the project launch in Dnipropetrovsk by donating computers for equipping the educational class in the Regional Universal Scientific Library.

We wish good luck to all project participants and believe that the Foundation initiative will allow talented and purposeful people to make contribution to the IT development in Ukraine.

About BrainBasket Foundation
BrainBasket Foundation – is a non-profit NGO aiming to improve the quality of IT-education, as well as to increase the amount of IT-experts in Ukraine. The Foundation was created in April of 2014 by the initiative group of leading Ukrainian IT companies with the participation of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and Kyiv City Administration has decided to create BrainBasket Foundation that will be responsible for facilitating training of IT specialists and boosting educational eco-system.

About AMC Bridge
AMC Bridge has been delivering innovative solutions for CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM and PLM applications for over 15 years, cooperating with the world leaders like Microsoft, Siemens and Autodesk. AMC Bridge team includes over 250 specialists working in four development centers in Ukraine.

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