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  1. What is the difference between JDK and JRE?
  2. What is a package?
  3. What are the ways of passing a parameter by reference?
  4. Does the Java® programming language support multiple inheritance?
  5. What is a static modifier and how it can be used?
  6. How to access ‘this’ in a static method?
  7. How to override a static method?
  8. What access specifiers do you know?
  9. Is it possible to access a private method from outside of a class?
  10. What is the difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer?
  11. How to create the String instance?
  12. What is an interface? What is a marker interface? Name the fields of its application.
  13. What is the difference between the Serializable and Externalizable interfaces?
  14. Is it possible to implement two interfaces having a default method with the same name and signature?
  15. What is a functional interface?
  16. How to clone an object?
  17. How to implement the equals and hashCode methods properly?
  18. How can the wait and notify methods be used?
  19. What is the finalize method intended for?
  20. What is the difference between the nested and static nested class?
  21. What is the difference between the mutable and immutable types?
  22. What is the difference between Predicate and Function?
  23. What is a method reference?
  24. How does exceptions hierarchy look in Java?
  25. What is the difference between throw and throws?
  26. What is the difference between the checked and unchecked exceptions?
  27. What is better to use to handle unexpected conditions: Assertions or Exceptions?
  28. Is it safe to throw an exception from a constructor?
  29. Will the finally block be executed if the unhandled exception occurs in the try block?
  30. What is the java.lang.AutoCloseable interface intended for?
  31. What is the final keyword? How it can be used?
  32. How can you make two methods to be executed in parallel?
  33. What is mutual exclusion?
  34. What is the volatile keyword and how it is used?
  35. How do you stop a thread?
  36. What is the difference between Runnable and Callable?
  37. What is the difference between Set and HashSet?
  38. What is the difference between LinkedList and ArrayList?
  39. How does HashMap work?
  40. What is the difference between Stream and Collection?
  41. What is a garbage collector? Can you manually force a garbage collection?
  42. What is the difference between List<? extends T> and List <? super T>?
  43. Can generics be used with an array?

  1. Core Java by Cay S. Hortsmann.
  2. Effective Java by Joshua Bloch.
  3. Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel.
  4. Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz and others.

How to grow at AMC Bridge?

The level of salary and position of a person depend on the quality of his/her work, the ability to perform the tasks successfully, and also on how the person improves his/her skills.

We have a collective CRI; we do not evaluate each employee individually. A team leader determines the effectiveness of the specialist. Every quarter, the team leader and the manager analyze the employee’s performance and how it has grown.

There is no director in the company who does not grow to this position from inside the company. All you need to do is to show good results. If a person wants to grow and develop, we will help.
Career growth scheme

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