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  1. Name all data types in JavaScript.
  2. Compare the reference types and primitive types.
  3. Describe the ways of checking data types. What are the possible difficulties of determining the data type?
  4. Describe the difference between Abstract Equality Comparison and Strict Equality Comparison.
  5. Describe the process of the type coercion and rules of comparing the same and different data types.
  6. Name the built-in and native types. Describe wrappers/boxing.
  7. Name the data types that can and cannot contain values/ types of objects. Name the ways to detect them.
  8. What is the practical use of the Symbol data type?

  1. Describe the statements and expressions. What are the side effects of expressions?
  2. Define Operator Precedence. Specify the usage of logical and binary operators.
  3. Explain what Objects and Arrays destructuring is.
  4. Specify loops, conditions, and the execution context.
  5. Describe the error handling process in JavaScript.
  6. How/when to use the Use strict directive? How does it affect the JavaScript execution?

  1. Describe all variable declaration types and the difference between them.
  2. Is there any way to determine whether the variable is declared in a specific scope?
  3. What is scope? What scope types exist in JavaScript? What is the difference between the function and block scopes?
  4. What are a hoisting and temporal dead zone?
  5. Scope chain, lexical environment, and variable name resolution.
  6. What is closure?
  7. Describe the Memory Lifecycle in the context of the closure.

  1. Name all the approaches to declare and invoke functions in JavaScript and describe how they affect their execution.
  2. What does it mean: the functions in JavaScript are first-class objects?
  3. What is the difference between the execution context, scope, and static properties?
  4. What does this keyword refer to in JavaScript?
  5. Provide a description of the partial application of functions vs. currying.
  6. Describe the practice of the borrowing method.

  1. Describe the OOP principles and their implementation in JavaScript.
  2. What is the difference between the classical and prototypal inheritance?
  3. Name all the possible ways to create an object and object`s property in JavaScript.
  4. Describe the attributes of the object and the object`s property.
  5. Do access modifiers exist in JavaScript? Is it possible to simulate them, and how?
  6. What are the pros and cons of functional programming vs. object-oriented programming?
  7. What is functional programming?
  8. What is a high-order function?
  9. What is a pure function?
  10. What is currying?
  11. What does favor object composition over class inheritance mean?
  12. Compare the imperative programming and declarative programming.
  13. Describe SOLID and JavaScript. Provide an example of dependency injection and inversion of control in JavaScript. Are they related?

  1. What are two-way data binding and one-way data flow? How do they differ?
  2. What are the pros and cons of monolithic and microservice architectures?

  1. What are the ways to handle the async code?
  2. What is a callback hell, and how can you avoid it?
  3. Describe how async/await works.
  4. Describe the generators and iterators and their possible usage in async JavaScript.
  5. Provide yield-delegation examples and generators concurrency.
  6. Describe Web Workers, Shared Workers.
  7. Describe the micro and macro tasks in the context of the event loop?

  1. Name the most commonly used Array methods.
  2. Describe how the reduce method works. What is the difference between slice and splice?
  3. Describe Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet.
  4. What traditional data structures do you know? How do they correspond with data structures available in JavaScript?

  1. What is the Node.js event loop?
  2. What are the pros and cons of the Node.js® runtime environment? In what cases should Node.js be used and when should it not?
  3. What are streams in Node.js?
  4. Explain different types of streams in Node.js.
  5. Describe multithreading in Node.js.
  6. How to utilize multiple cores in a single Node.js application?
  7. Explain the difference between programming in JS for Node.js and browsers.
  8. Suggest an application structure/architecture for Node.js based REST API server.

  1. Name the most common test types and explain the difference between them.
  2. Describe TDD/BDD.
  3. What are the best practices of code testing in JavaScript?

Introductory without previous programming experience

  1. 1. JavaScript: The Good Parts (Douglas Crockford)
  2. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (David Flanagan)

Introductory with previous programming experience

  1. CSS: The Definitive Guide (Eric A. Meyer)
  2. Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design (Dan Cederholm, Ethan Marcotte)
  3. The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript (Nicholas C. Zakas)


  1. Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja (John Resig)
  2. High Performance JavaScript (Nicholas Zakas)
  3. Standard ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification

How to grow at AMC Bridge?

The level of salary and position of a person depend on the quality of his/her work, the ability to perform the tasks successfully, and also on how the person improves his/her skills.

We have a collective CRI; we do not evaluate each employee individually. A team leader determines the effectiveness of the specialist. Every quarter, the team leader and the manager analyze the employee’s performance and how it has grown.

There is no director in the company who does not grow to this position from inside the company. All you need to do is to show good results. If a person wants to grow and develop, we will help.
Career growth scheme

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