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The whole recruitment process takes no more than 2 weeks

Reviewing your resume
Phone interview
Test task
Technical interview
Final interview
Receiving a job offer

  1. How do you explain what DevOps methodology or culture means?
  2. What agile or time-tracking tools do you know?
  3. How do you describe an application development life cycle, and how can DevOps be integrated here?
  4. Name OSI model levels and explain how data is transferred on each level.
  5. What does the TCP/IP stack mean? What is the main mechanism for creating an IP address? What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

  1. How can you show hidden files on Linux® systems?
  2. df -h shows a lot of free disk space. But when you try to save the file, df-h reports that you don’t have enough disk space. What is the reason?
  3. What system diagnosis tools can you name? What does the “load average” parameter mean in a top utility?
  4. What does “7” mean in “chmod 777”?
  5. What package managers do you know? What kind of issues did you have?
  6. What kind of non-standard situations with granting access did you encounter? How did you resolve them?

  1. What is the difference between an application, application pool, website, and web directory?
  2. What should you do to deploy a .NET application in IIS? What steps do you take?
  3. How can you deploy a site on the Windows Server® operating system without an agent?
  4. Do you have work experience with NuGet or the Chocolatey® software management solution? What is it for?
  5. What monitoring tools for the Windows® operating system do you know?
  6. Name a native method to use Linux packages inside the Windows environment.

  1. You try to make a git commit but get an error “Repository is not initialized”. What do you do?
  2. What is the difference between merge and rebase?
  3. How do the Jenkins®, TeamCity®, VSTS, and other automation software find out that someone has pushed to a repository—for example, on a specific branch?
  4. How do you ensure the code freeze technically?
  5. TeamCity, Jenkins, and so on stopped seeing agents after updating. What do you do?
  6. Describe the role of tags in a repository. What can you do with tags in terms of automation?

  1. What are the main differences between a VM and Docker® platform container?
  2. What blocks does a Docker image consist of?
  3. What are the tags used for in Docker? Compare them with the tags of the Git® version control system.
  4. What orchestrators do you have experience with? Describe this experience.
  5. Name main Docker Compose components.
  6. Explain the main differences between Swarm and the Kubernetes® system.
  7. How do you ensure scaling? What kinds of scaling do you know?
  8. What is a load balancer? Explain how it works.

  1. What kinds of databases do you know? What are the differences between an SQL and NoSQL structure?
  2. Elasticsearch reports that all indexes are yellow. What does it mean?
  3. What do you need to build a cluster on the MongoDB® data platform?
  4. If you want to create a user which credentials should be used for the MySQL® database backup, what permissions should that user have?

  1. What are the differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS?
  2. What Desired State Configuration tools did you work with? Give examples of configurations.
  3. What kind of tasks can the Ansible® or Terraform® automation software solve?

  1. What cloud providers did you have experience of working with? Describe your daily tasks.
  2. Give a serverless application architecture example on any cloud.
  3. How would you organize a stateless application architecture?
  4. What entities are required for creating an instance on the Amazon EC2®, Azure® VM, or GCP VM platform?

  1. The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win: Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford
  2. Linux for Networking Professionals: Securely configure and operate Linux network services for the enterprise: Rob VandenBrink
  3. Production-Ready Microservices: Susan Fowler
  4. Cloud Native Patterns. Designing change-tolerant software: Cornelia Davis
  5. Docker Deep Dive eBook: Nigel Poulton
  6. Terraform: Up and Running: Writing Infrastructure as Code: Yevgeniy Brikman

How to grow at AMC Bridge?

The level of salary and position of a person depend on the quality of his/her work, the ability to perform the tasks successfully, and also on how the person improves his/her skills.

We have a collective CRI; we do not evaluate each employee individually. A team leader determines the effectiveness of the specialist. Every quarter, the team leader and the manager analyze the employee’s performance and how it has grown.

There is no director in the company who does not grow to this position from inside the company. All you need to do is to show good results. If a person wants to grow and develop, we will help.
Career growth scheme

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